domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Appl.-to Item Entry must have a value in Purchase Line. It cannot be zero or empty.

Hi all!

In the Purchases & Payables Setup page, there’s a field called “Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory”. If you activate it, you have to fill the “Appl.-to Item Entry” field in Credit memo item lines. This means that the purchase return is valued at exactly the same cost as the original purchase:

So, if you forget to fill “Appl.-to Item Entry” in the Credit memo the system returns the following error message when you try to post it:

Appl.-to Item Entry must have a value in Purchase Line: Document Type=Credit Memo, Document No.=1001, Line No.=30000. It cannot be zero or empty.

And of course, you also have the same functionality in the Sales department.

Bye !